I could be doing this wrong

Try as I might, I think I’m doing it wrong.

The x-husband told me he is fiercely protective of his wife. She is his priority. I know others who say that, too, that their spouse/partner is their priority and the kids come second. Spouse first; kids second.

The mystery of marriage is when two become one. We leave our parents and become one with our spouse. This is how it’s supposed to be, isn’t it?

I am one of the people who put my children first. Kids first; spouse second, and I’ll tell you why. I am flesh and blood related to my kids. I can replace a husband, but I will only get the kids I was given. We are familyand blood is thicker than water.

This could be a reason the x-husband is not the current husband: I always placed our children above him. I’ve remarried, and I still put my (grown) children above my husband. Don’t get me wrong. I love my husband. He is my very best friend. We’re soulmates. But, my kids (even though they’re grown men in their mid to late 20’s) are my kids, no matter what.

A Christian counselor once said some of us make our children idols. I took exception to that. Jesus Christ is number one in my life. My children are second to Him. He gave them to me, not to anyone else. It’s my job to take care of them and grow them into good men. Husband and x-husband were someone else’s responsibilty to raise.

I could very well wind up alone, living in one of my sons’s spare bedrooms, with a daughter-in-law who might or might not like me. I think we’ll get along okay if she’ll drink coffee with me, and love her children like a mama bear.

Having a wonderful time! Wish you were here.

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